Friday, July 19, 2013

PayPal's $92 Quadrillion Credit - News Print Madness


    News Print Madness Brings You Yesterdays News Today

Chris Reynolds from Media, Pennsylvania found a PayPal credit (Photo Above) in his account of $92 Quadrillion dollars ($92, 233,720,368,547,800.00 to be exact) according to the Philadelphia Daily News.

Chris at first thought that he owed PayPal that much, then when he rechecked he saw it was PayPal who owed him. Reynolds said he felt like a millionaire at first, so he quickly made a $30 donation to the Democratic Delaware County Council in Media, Penn. Later when he went back to check his balance it was back to zero.

Reynolds who with his wife own a public relations firm called Reynolds Ink wasted no time getting the story out to the masses. Reynolds says, he would pay down the US National debt and buy his favorite baseball team the Philadelphia Philly's.

PayPal has said they would offer Chris the opportunity to name a charity that they would make a donation to on his behalf for their glitch.

What would you do with a $92 Quadrillion dollar windfall? Keep in mind that Uncle Sam would get 50% of any windfall you would receive. Anyways, I made a video about this story. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Chris Reynolds from Media, Pennsylvania found a PayPal credit in his account of $92 Quadrillion dollars ($92, 233,720,368,547,800.00 to be exact) according to the Philadelphia Daily News.
